Monday, 29 April 2013


Whose breath this is I think I know
Foul fumes waft'ng in the air it blows.

It hits me hard a wondrous stench,
My nostrils flare out in surprise.

Teeth unbrushed that horrible wrench,
The smell of sweat on the warm bench.

It smells like rotten eggs purée
Mashed broccoli and green peas

Cream of beef chicken breast brûlée
I wonder what was his entrée

I'm certain it was not real food
His gums have turned a shade of grey.

His presence alters my great mood
As I see every crumb unchewed.

And pray his mouth stays shut for good.
And pray his mouth stays shut FOR GOOD!

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Romeo and Juliet- the aftermath

A gloomy week has passed since the tragic deaths of our two loved heroes; Romeo and Juliet, and I, the Prince of Verona, feel that it is in my duty to make some amendments accordingly.

Firstly, however, I would like to make some apologies to the dear people of Verona. In the past, I have not done my role as a responsible leader and have looked foolishly and blindly upon the childish and unjustified bickering of my subjects. In particular, the prolonged and nonsensical feud between the two influential families (the Montagues and Capulets), should be a figurative warning to all of us that violence can solve absolutely nothing. I must admit that I am equally at fault for carelessly encouraging their conflict by turning a blind eye to their imprudent mess. It was evident in the beginning that their hateful feelings would not solve anything and had I stopped them sooner, many lives would not have been lost...

After such an unfortunate and heartbreaking incident, I have drawn to a conclusion that our views as a society have not been morally correct. We have belittled the exact worth of true love and the meaning of marriage. If we are to flourish as a community, we must be willing to accept all kinds and forms of love and we must respect each individual's wishes. If we, as a community, cannot even embrace acceptance, how are we to pass on the generations and talk of good and evil? A forced marriage is an unhappy one and it will only nourish acrimony and do no good for our emotional growth. As true ruler of Verona, I hereby declare that from now one, all marriages require the authentic and genuine consent of both parties. Only through love and rightful marriages will we be able to live and prosper as one, peacefully and harmoniously.